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Get ready for an extraordinary experience at the Philly Ad Club’s highly anticipated AI Conference.

This half-day summit is tailor-made for enthusiasts who are eager to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of AI.


WHEN: Thursday, November 30

WHERE: IBX Innovation Center, 19th & Market, Philadelphia

TIME: 11:30am – 6:00 pm

WHAT: Lunch, Conference, Networking Reception






Topics to be discussed center around various sectors and operational areas of our industry and how AI will impact and ultimately innovate the way we think about and do business.

✔️ Revolutionizing Creativity: Navigating AI-Enabled Design in Marketing and Advertising

✔️ AI Transformation: Revolutionizing Public Relations, Sales, and Marketing Strategies

✔️ Strategies in Sync: AI, SEO, and Media Mastery for Marketers

✔️ AI and IP: Navigating the Creative Frontiers in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

In addition, the summit experience will include interactive coffee breaks and keynote speakers who share their vision for the Impact and Innovation AI will bring to our industry. A networking reception will follow the summit and serve to bring conference attendees together to share insights they learned, explore new business opportunities and make connections.








Lunch provided by 
Philly Ad Club Board of Directors 


Sponsorship Deck/Opportunities

For sponsorship and speaker opportunities, please contact Cynthia Weiss.