702 B North 2nd Street
Philadelphia Pa 19123
PH: (215) 592-0707
FX: (215) 592-1661
215 Design Group is a collaboration of talented individuals who have a passion to express their uniqueness and creativity through design. 215 Design Group specializes in Branding, Advertising, Design, and Interactive. 215 Design Group is a team of fresh designers dedicated to creating visually stimulating material while exceeding both their clients’ needs and industry expectations. 215 Design Group brings an innovative outlook to advertising with its creative team members flowing with extensive knowledge in computer design technologies. 215 Design Group’s professional artists will inspire clients throughout the design process. The result will be a successful and rewarding work experience.
Real Estate: Dericom Development, The Towns at Kimball, Urban Realty Works. Retail: Eyeland Opticals, Papelgifts.com, Replacemycontacts.com, Bobbi’s Best, Produce Point. Non-Profit: Sapphire Fund, Team Children. Services: X-posure Marketing, Marz Restoration, Four Seasons Hotel, Philtech Construction, Specialty Solutions Group, RecStaffing.com, East Coast Disposal.
Education Services: Corbin’s Crusaders, Amerispan, Casa de Lenguas, Sanbrooka Productions, AmeriKick Karate. Food Industry: Bonté Waffles, Phoebes BBQ, The Crepe & Ribbon, Maron Chocolates, Philly Flavors. Design Agency: Gemma Nine (NYC). Entertainment: Strikes Bowling Lounge, Braxton Parker. Other: Woodmontdaycamp.com, Pinegrovedaycamp.com